
South park wheel

. The full of rocks one goes them dell’.Orfento?na of the pi?pettacolari of the Majella, and?tata protect gi?el 1970 from a Reservoir Natural of the State. In the?acile zone to sight l’.aquila and the red deer, and?resente l’.orso. From the country the Center is caught up Visitors of the Reservoir (631 meters), where posteggia and where?bbligatorio to record itself. One spectacular reduction door to the Bridge of the Walloon. It is continued leaving on the left the path for Decontra and right which runs on left the orographic one dell’.Orfento. One gone up in the forest and a feature to average coast on full of rocks land carries all’.eremo of Sant’.Onofrio (1000 meters), to the feet of high full of rocks walls. A steep path in part dug in the cliff filler to the Center Visitors and Caramanico Terme. In all four hours are necessary and average. Classic and not too much along, l’.itinerario from the Blockhaus to the Fusco bivouac and the Focalone Mount?l pi?attuto of the Majella. From the Step They launch follows the road that they to the valico knows and to she lodges of the Majelletta, to the Pomilio shelter and the parking (2050 meters) that she precedes the Blockhaus. The path grazes the Mount top Horse (2172 meters) and comes down towards prati of Selletta Acquaviva (the 2080 meters), dov’.?’.unica source of the zone. Before the valico, a shunting line on the right leads to the evocative registrations of the “.Tavola of the Briganti”. From the bivouac, a wide gravelly crinale door to summit Focalone the Mount (2676 meters), from where the sight is opened towards the Bitter Mount. Between round-trip four hours are necessary. Protect from the 1985 like Reservoir Natural regional one, the Forest of Sant’.Antonio extends on 550 hectares between 1290 and the 1420 meters of quota, and?no of the pi?pettacolari dell’.Abruzzo. Beyond to the faggi, between which they detach numerous secular plants, they are present the maple trees (opalo, rustic and of mount), the rate, cerro and the ciliegio. All’.inizio dell’.estate blooms the greater genziana, l’.elleboro, the peony and the purpurea Epipactis, one of the wild orchidee to pi?are d’.Italia. D’.estate forest?na m? ideal for one walk or a picnic. In order to catch up the Forest of Sant’.Antonio the comfortable asphalted road is followed that it connects Pescocostanzo with Cansano. Posteggiata l’.auto, is followed l’.uno or l’.altro of the viottoli that s’.immergono in the driven in one of the forest. Not there are difficolt?i guideline, and?ossibile to girovagare without obliged way with times from mezz’.ora to un’.ora. It gets passionate you of rare plants and of birds they can naturally dedicate all the necessary time to their observations. The?nteressante walk even if is limited to us to cover one small part of the crinale. From the center the asphalted road is followed that it catches up l’.ampio large square asphalted to the base of the systems of gone back (1450 meters). If end is arrived here, between round-trip, they are necessary approximately four hours. If us firm in first part of the crinale, two hours are wide sufficient. FROM THE QUARTER OF THE BARON TO MOUNT SECINE. This route, between the pi?uggestivi of the zone, pu?orre some problem to spring when the Quarter of the Baron is transformed in a marsh. To capacity of hand from Pescocostanzo, this point to pu?aggiungere itself also from Rivisondoli, Roccaraso and Palena. Left l’.auto next all’.asfalto (1400 m), they exceed the railroad and a recinzione and is continued for one carrareccia indicated from segnavia yellow-red. The Source to pu?ssere un’.ottima conclusion for the gita one. L’.andata and return until the Cernaia Source demand two hours and average, for the Secine Mount are employed un’.ora in pi?DA SANT’.ANTONIO To the STEP Of the FEAR Of the feet of cliffs of the Mount Secine, the faggete of the state property forest.

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